Ted Garnett – President and CEO, is an entrepreneur with various business interests/experiences and is the founder of PS Culture Matters. He is the only consultant in the world certified in all three of the following: Return on Investment (CRP) through the ROI Institute, Six Sigma Black Belt for Business Process Improvement, and a Professional in Human Resources by the National Society for Human Resources Management. Ted also holds certifications in Employment Law and ERISA Benefits/COBRA Administration.
Click to Read Ted’s Full Bio
James Haddad has over 20 years experience as a Chief Operations Officer. He was previously Chief Financial Officer of Yellow Book USA, Inc. which grew to over $2 billion in revenue. Prior to Yellowbook he was responsible for finance, human resources, and acquisitions for the $65 million dollar Telecom Publishing company. Jim was previously a Certified Public Accountant with McGladrey and Pullen LLP. Mr. Haddad received a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration with distinction from the University of Iowa.
Tanya Garnett serves as the Director of Accounting and Administration. She graduated from the University of Northern Iowa with a degree in business management. Previously she held positions in office management and banking and has worked with upper management and executives in small to mid sized organizations as well as fortune 500 companies.
Dave Ver Woert serves as an executive board member and is active in the leadership of the company. His background in risk management and a consultative approach provide our team with a well rounded set of skills. Dave’s leadership as a mid-side business owner is a direct correlation with the type of clients and partners we are striving to align with as we continue to improve culture matters around the world.